By supporting our mission, you play a vital role in a collaborative initiative aimed at strengthening the local community. Your support will serve as a source of inspiration and contribute to fostering a spirit of unity and inclusion within our community.
Led by a dedicated and passionate team of individuals who deeply care about the local community. VAO | Vietnamese American Organization is a community development organization focused on inspiring and motivating individuals to engage, learn, and lead projects that empower and benefit the local community. Our mission is centered on preserving our rich cultural heritage, promoting community engagement, and nurturing connections across generations.
VAO's mission is to empower individuals to actively engage, learn, and take the lead in strengthening the local community through social service, education, leadership, and cultural activities.
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone and create many ripples." - Mother Teresa
Explore or initiate community engagement opportunities with us
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss
"True leadership is about empowering others to achieve their full potential." - Oprah Winfrey
Lead and empower others with confidence, inspiring greatness in every step
Start a community project with VAO. Gain access to our resources and the support from our team.
nominate a Community spotlight
Leadership & mentorship program
Support our effort to empower the local community.
100% of your donation goes directly to our projects that benefit the local community.
Phone: 408-800-1230
Mailing address:
1750 Lundy Ave. Unit 612066
San Jose, CA 95161
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